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About Poffley Care 

My Values 

To Smile, Laugh and be positive

To Care.

It is likely you have been on this earth longer than me. You and everyone deserves to live the life you want. I will aim to support you to do this.

 To Listen.

I will endeavour to listen to your requirements, even if there is a communication barrier.

  To treat with respect.

I will treat you, as I wish to be treated, I will respect your wishes, believes, dignity and confidentiality. 

 To ensure we are safe. 

I will risk assess situations we are both involved in, there may be times we need to have conversations about the way I support you. 

 To get involved.

Everyone should have the opportunity to get involved in community life.  If this is something you want to achieve I will aim to support you to do this. 

  To break down barriers.

is there something stopping you from achieving a goal or activity. I will aim to find solutions to break down these barriers.

I have been with-in the social care environment for over 25yrs, I have supported and managed teams who delivered services to people in their own home, care homes, respite services for the elderly and people diagnosed with a learning disability, dementia and other health conditions. 

Easy read- information on the mental capacity act. 
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