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Health, Care & Support service

How it works

Private clients ( self funding )  can contact me direct and disscus their requirements.  We will arrange a face to face meeting where I can introduce myself. 

  • If you are happy and want to continue we can arrange another meeting. I will not pressure you.  I will follow this with a call, however it is entirely up to you or your family if you wish to move forward with my services.  

  • I will ask you a few questions and fill in my 'getting to know you' form.

  • From this we will be able to see what support you require, making a plan together.  I will assess and identify any risk, enabling me to highlight if you require additional support from other health care professionals.

  • When you are self funding their are no restrictions on what you can ask me to help you with. See the attachment below.

  • My cost are also below on an attachment, you can print this if you wish.

  • I will put in place a support agreement which is bespoke to you.  I like to put these in place to ensure both parties have guidance to follow.  I will send you an initial  copy for you to read. Once the support agreement is signed I will commence my work with you.

  • At the end of each month, I will draw up an invoice and send this to you to clear. We will arrange at our meeting how you would like to do this. 

  • Throughout our time together we will review how things are going regularly and make changes where required.      

Social care funded clients. 

This process is a little different from Private clients. My service for clients who are funded by social care or the NHS continuing health care fund, is around the clients 'Assessed Needs'.  Therefore restrictions may apply due to the assessed need support plan and what social care will pay for.  For instance, social care may not pay for cleaning duties as a separate need, they also may not pay for support to the hospital or GP unless this is an assessed need.  

  • If you feel you require support or someone you know needs support or assessment to due to declining health, you can contact Oxfordshire Adult Social care team (see my contact's page).

  • I can help you do this however there is a private charge.

  • If you have already had a 'Needs Assesment' and you are looking around for support and my service is somthing you would like to look into.  Please do not hesitate to contact me or inform your care manager/social worker and ask them to contact me directly.

  • Care managers and social workers can contact me directly to discuss my services.  

  • Once contact has been made with yourself and social care I will, with your consent ask for the 'assessed needs' paper work and liaise with social care about funding.    

  • Funding will need to be agreed by Adult social care

  • Together we can then develop a support plan, enabling us to move forward and identify any risk or additional support you may need from other health care professional's 

  • From the 'Assessed needs' assessment I will develop a bespoke support agreement which can be signed by the client or customer (OCC).

  • I will then commence my work with you.

  • At the end of every month I draw up my Invoices.  These are then sent to the relevant finance departments identified in the support agreement.

  • Together we will review the agreed support and address any changes that may be required to your support needs.  


I am happy to discuss any services you require, below is a list of the services I can support you with.  This list is not exhaustive. I come as a package and can offer multiple services in the time I spend with you. I have extensive skills and knowledge of Dementia care, Parkinson's, and working along side the Palliative care Hub and District Nurse team to provided Palliative and End of Life care at home. other support can include:   

  • House keeping duties.

  • Care with-in your home.  I will discuss a support plan with you.

  • Morning get ups, showers etc (hourly visit recommended)

  • Put to bed routines (hourly visits recommended but can be half hour)

  • Preparing meals

  • Support in personal hygiene, showering and bathing.

  • Daily chores, putting washing on, ironing and general house tidying and cleaning. 

  • Respite Care, day care, over-night care, weekend care (booking in advance is required) 

  • Checking in service,  this can include checking in on your family member in hospital and spending some time with them.

  • Companionship

  • Sitting service (advance booking required)

  • Taking you out to do activities or little trips you enjoy, going to clubs, the library, church and meeting friends for pub lunches.

  • Making appointments and supporting you to getting to them.

  • Accessing professional support such as Occupational Therapy, safeguarding, adult social care teams, falls services, mental health care teams and learning disability teams.

  • Work in partnerships with the District Nurse health care teams and accessing their support when required.

  • Medication support. Supporting you to take your medication, ordering and collecting medications.

  • Shopping with or without you.

  • Helping with paperwork, using a computer and filling in forms

  • looking in to technology that will make your life easier. 

  • Small decorating or gardening jobs.

  • Arranging and liaising with landlords or contractors around maintenance issues.  

 Contact me for Poffley care price list.  
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